Birthday Notifications

With the Birthday Notifications app activated, you can send a happy birthday message to your clients! You’ll receive a notification on their actual birthday, but you can also easily sort clients by their birthday.

The first thing you need to do is go to Apps in the EasyPractice top menu. Scroll down until you find “Birthday Notifications” and activate it.

Birthday Notifications activation

Once the app is activated, you’ll receive a new notification every time one of your clients has a birthday. When you receive these notifications, you can easily create an SMS or email to send a friendly greeting.

Birthday messages to your clients

Sort clients by birthday date:

If you want an overview of which of your clients have birthdays in the current month, this can be easily done. First, click on “Clients” in the top menu. Then, select “Upcoming Birthdays” under “All clients,” as shown in the image below.

sort clients by birthday date

Now, the EasyPractice system will select clients who have upcoming birthdays. This allows you to create a greeting in advance of their birthday or start planning a birthday gift.

Send a birthday greeting:

Once you’ve sorted out all your clients with upcoming birthdays, you can see how old the client will be under their specific profile. In addition, there will be a button for ‘Wish Happy Birthday!’. If you click on this button, you can send a birthday greeting to the client, either via email or SMS. Here, you can write a personal, pleasant message to them, showing that you care. Feeling extra generous? You could, for example, include a gift card, a discount code, or prepare a small surprise for the next time the client visits your clinic. Your client will surely appreciate it!

birthday message
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