The second quarter of 2022 has passed and once again I am sending you a razor-sharp update on what has happened in EasyPractice in recent months.
Let’s dive right in, shall we?
Change the color of your online booking
We have thousands and thousands of online booking forms on the websites of therapists and clinics. However, the challenge has long been that these websites do not share the same color scheme as EasyPractice. This, of course, has made it difficult to get one’s own unique expression throughout the client’s booking experience.
Not so anymore! Just see my online booking here.
Update your color on your online booking to one of our designs or choose your very own color that you may use on your website or in your other branding.

Bonus info: This is just the beginning of the new design of the online booking pages. I think you will love what comes next!
Book the next available time
We stay in the online booking experience for another update is how quickly a client can find a free time. This means that if you have chosen your services to be the first step in your online booking flow (and you have multiple calendars), then the client will not have to go through multiple calendars, remember and compare available times.
Again, this is no longer the case!
The client can simply press the button “book next available time” and then the online booking will show the client the next and fastest available time.

Event overview
The next update deals with our events. Until recently, we have not had an event overview where you could see recent events and future ones. Here everyone has to use the calendar and scroll week after week…
I acknowledge that it has not been optimal.
Now you can jump into the events menu in your settings and then from there see a listed overview of the events you have had and those that will come in the future.

We are super happy with the feedback we have already received on this in particular. Thank you very much!
New design in the system
I am actually quite proud of our expression and appearance as we value our user-friendly design very highly. We will continue to do this.
But our designer, Weyland, is never quite done. Therefore, a new look has now been implemented in all settings windows in the system. A small change with a big impression. EasyPractice must remain beautiful and user-friendly.
Automatic closing times on public holidays
Practice that the next holiday is not until December 26th (the 25th is already a Sunday… double practice!). The new function in the calendar makes it super easy to close the calendar in a simple way on all holidays.
So if you do not have to work on December 26, you can close this holiday during your opening hours and then from there select “close all holidays”. Then you close them all with a single click.

Apart from these five new updates, we’ve been working with overall improvements to the infrastructure so you’ll have as best and easy navigation possible with EasyPractice.
Without pushing my luck, I can also guarantee that you’ll see even more amazing improvements during the third quarter of 2022. So, log off for the Summer holidays, enjoy, and then we’ll see you again after.
It’s going to be great!
Have a wonderful summer
// Samuel, EasyPractice