Case study

Clinic owner and therapist saves time with appointment booking online

Potrait of Clinic owner and therapist Hilde Sylstad
I’ve saved several hours during the week on booking and swapping of appointments since I started using EasyPractice, because the clients do the work themselves. The clients are really happy!
Five stars

It’s important to simplify your daily life as much as possible, and this is what Hilde has done because she started using EasyPractice. Hilde is the owner of Hisy therapy and has offered different therapy services since 2003. Through her own experiences, as well as learned knowledge and meditation, she has learned methods that will help you with spiritual development and issues, and you know that you’re in experienced and safe hands.

You can be sure to be put in safe hands

In the clinic Hilde offers different types of treatments that she customises to the needs of the individual client. This goes for ear acupuncture, unit therapy and hypnotherapy, as well as EFT and a music based therapy.  

Clinic owner and therapist Hilde Sylstad providing treatment to a patient in her treatment room Hisy Terapi klinik ägs av Hilde Sylstad, detta är utsidan av kliniken Clinic owner and therapist Hilde Sylstad providing treatment to a patient in her treatment room Clinic owner and therapist Hilde Sylstad providing treatment to a patient in her treatment room Clinic owner and therapist Hilde Sylstad providing treatment to a patient in her treatment room

Functions and Apps

In the health sector, there is a strong focus on safety and we have increasing demands from our users that our system should be secure and reliable. With our Two-factor Authentication app, Hilde is confident that logging in to the system is safe and secure.

authentication icon

Security icon

Two-factor Authentication is an extra layer of security for your EasyPractice account.

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Automation of the process

As a clinic owner with a lot of clients who want to make use of her services, Hilde wants to spend as little time as possible doing administrative work, and more time doing constructive work. It’s difficult to do two things at once, but after Hilde started using EasyPractice as her online booking system, she can receive more bookings through the internet while treating her clients at the same time. This makes for a lot less stress during her workday, and she saves several hours in the week that she otherwise would’ve spent booking and cancelling appointments, seeing that the clients can now do this themselves.

“It has to be mentioned that I use Two-factor login, which enables a secure and safe space for my journals.”

4.6 Trustpilot review
4.7 rating
4.9 Google review
4.2 rating
4.8 Facebook review
4.9 rating

Many competences - many features

With a lot of experience, and while also offering a lot of different services, the most important thing to Hilde is that she can give the clients in her clinic the experience of greater safety in life, more courage and a deeper sense of inner peace, so that they can live their lives without uncomfortable feelings and stress. Together with her client she’ll help them to see and find possibilities thereby tailoring the client’s experience, exactly as Hilde does with her EasyPractice system which makes it possible for her to:

Hilde doesn’t have to worry about the safety of her data. All sensitive personal data is encrypted and stored securely on Danish servers with frequent backups. The journals are and will remain in safe hands!

Clinic owner and therapist Hilde Sylstad standing in her treatment room

Do you also want to automate your workday?

Do you want to do as Hilde and save hours of your time by automating your administrative work, so that you can spend more time treating your clients? 

“A good advice for other clinic owners would be to check out EasyPractice - you get a lot of value for your money, and it’s a system full of content!”
Clinic owner and therapist Hilde Sylstad standing in her treatment room
Next casestudy

Online Booking and secure journaling simplifies daily life for this muscle therapist and clinic owner

I started my clinic because I’ve been interested in body, health and how things tie together for a long time.

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