Here is a guide to show you just how easy it is to use the Video Meetings app in EasyPractice. Unlike other systems, you can choose which platform with which to host your video meetings. This means that whether you prefer Whereby, Zoom or another platform, it will work with no extra hassle in your EasyPractice account.
Video guide to the Video Meetings app
Here is a video to show you how to set up the Video Meetings app and send invitations to your clients:
Step-by-step guide to the Video Meetings app
The video above shows you how to set up the app in your EasyPractice account and here are the step-by-step instructions for you too:
1. Activate the App
First, in your EasyPractice account, go to “Apps” in the top menu bar. Find “Video Meetings” and click “Activate”. You will then be taken through the set up which is quick and only a few steps.
2. Choose the platform you want to use
You’ll need to provide the link to your meeting room as part of the set up which you will be guided through when you activate the app. Copy your meeting room link from the platform you will be using. You can choose any platform you like.
If you choose to use Whereby, you can create a free account and find the link to your meeting room when you log in and select “rooms” as in the screenshot below. Select the “link” icon highlighted below and you will copy the link to your meeting room.

If you use Zoom, you can select “Meetings” when you log in and copy the link to your “personal meeting room”. Alternatively, you can schedule a meeting or a recurring meeting and copy that link if it suits you better. Remember that you can change the link for each meeting when you send the invitation to your client if you choose to do so.
3. Send an invitation to a Video Meeting
Once you have created an appointment in your calendar as usual, you can invite the client to a “Video Meeting”. Select the appointment in your calendar and click “Invite to Video Meeting” as in the screenshot below.

4. Hold the meeting

You and your client can carry on as usual once you are in the meeting online. It’s that simple! Here are some tips for good practice when you are holding e-consultations:
- Check your video and audio are working before you join the meeting. It is good practice to use your video and audio and make sure they work before you enter the meeting. Your clients may feel more comfortable if they can see and hear you. It is well-known that people respond well to facial expressions and body language.
- Avoid distractions when in the meeting. Be aware of the background behind you and try to be in a quiet part of your office or home if you are working from home.
- Keep notes on the appointment. It is important to keep notes while you are having the meeting so that you do not forget what you spoke about. With the Journals app, you can keep notes on a computer or tablet while holding the meeting directly in EasyPractice.
- Do what you do best. You do not need further advice on how to hold appointments as you are the expert. We at EasyPractice are here to support you with apps and more to ensure you can be the great therapist that you are. If you have any ideas for how we can help you further, please just let us know!
Video Meetings: What do your clients see?
Your client can receive an invitation by email and by SMS depending on which you choose when you click “Invite to Video Meeting”. All they need to do is click “Attend online meeting” at the time of their appointment and they will be directed to the link you have set for the meeting. Any additional instructions you have included will appear in the email too.

In our Help Centre we have a whole section dealing with our Video Meetings app.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at [email protected] as we would love to hear from you and tell you more about EasyPractice!