Introducing the Treatment Series App: Revolutionize Your Therapy Practice

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Introducing the Treatment Series App: Revolutionize Your Therapy Practice
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4.9 rating

Discover a new era of efficiency and organization with the Treatment Series app from EasyPractice. Designed to streamline your therapy practice, this powerful tool empowers therapists to effortlessly manage client appointments and treatment series with ease.

The app provides a comprehensive solution for therapists seeking to optimize their workflow and enhance client care. Say goodbye to manual tracking and paperwork. Take control of your schedule and focus on client care with ease.

Why use treatment series?

  • Tailored Treatment Series: Customize treatment series for each client, guaranteeing smooth care and individualized plans.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Gain clear insights into appointment details and associated journal notes, empowering informed decision-making and improving client outcomes.
  • Effortless Invoicing: Simplify your billing process by seamlessly creating invoices for treatment series sessions, ensuring accurate billing and streamlined payment processing.

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Better overview


The Treatment Series app helps therapists stay organized by grouping client appointments into tailored treatment series. Furthermore, with clear details and easy invoicing, therapists can focus on exceptional care. Additionally, the feature organizes appointments for comprehensive client care, even across sessions. Lastly, enhanced visualization addresses the lack of overview in appointment and journal note allocation, ensuring smoother coordination and improved efficiency.

Easily Begin Treatment Series with Our App!

Getting started with treatment series using this app is remarkably effortless. Firstly, by grouping appointments for specific clients, you can seamlessly streamline your workflow. Whether you’re managing multiple treatments or assigning care to different employees, the app offers enhanced visualization. Consequently, it becomes easier to track appointments and corresponding notes, facilitating smoother coordination. To begin, simply navigate to the ‘Apps’ menu, enable ‘Treatment Series’, and access the client’s profile. From there, select ‘Treatment Series’ and click on + Create treatment to smoothly kickstart the process, ensuring a seamless transition into organizing appointments effectively.

Transform Client Care

This app simplifies the process of managing appointments, particularly beneficial for clients requiring multiple treatments or involving different practitioners. With clearer visuals, users can track appointments and notes more efficiently. Additionally, EasyPractice enhances client care by streamlining processes, resulting in better outcomes and satisfaction. By integrating appointment management and treatment series, the app reduces administrative tasks, allowing practitioners more time for quality care. Furthermore, EasyPractice elevates the client experience, assisting practitioners in delivering comprehensive and effective treatments with ease.

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